I recently started hearing about a new phenomenon from my clients that some are having conversations with AI. In other words, they are talking back-and-forth with AI such as chatgpt to find solutions for their emotional problems.

I was wondering what some of my clients are experiencing online and I tried it myself. My question is: Can AI provide therapy as effectively as a human therapist?  Here is what I discovered. While AI has the potential to offer certain benefits in therapy, it’s essential to consider both its strengths and limitations in comparison to traditional human therapy.

Human therapists bring a unique set of skills and qualities to therapy sessions. They offer empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of human emotions and behavior. Through active listening and personalized interventions, therapists can establish rapport with their clients and tailor treatment plans to address their specific needs. Additionally, therapists can adapt their approach based on subtle cues and nonverbal communication from their clients, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration.

I actually found AI to have the same instincts as do well-trained therapists. AI has learned how to validate and to even how to encourage the writer (client) to express more feelings.

My concern was not if AI could mimic human behavior. My bigger concern was to learn if AI had a certain bias. What clients don’t know is that every therapist has bias. It is only human to have various values and attitudes which therapists develop from their own backgrounds and lifestyles.  As a marriage therapist, my attitude towards a couple will profoundly influence the outcome of our sessions. For example, if I value the needs of the individual over everything else, then it will be easier for me to suggest a couple get divorced if they feel that their individual needs are not being met. However, if I value the institution of marriage which provides many long-lasting benefits for individuals, yet may demand certain sacrifices, I will work towards the couple maintaining their relationship.

Therapy is clearly influenced by the attitudes of the therapist. The question is what are the values of AI? To find out I engaged my ChatGPT as if I were a client seeking advice about marriage. Here is my dialogue online:

Me: What’s better, being alone and independent or being married?

ChatGPT: The question of whether it’s better to be alone and independent or to be married really depends on personal preferences, life goals, and what makes you happiest. Both lifestyles have their unique benefits and challenges. Here’s a brief look at each:

Being Alone and Independent


  • Freedom and Autonomy: You have the freedom to make decisions without needing to consider a partner’s preferences or compromises.
  • Personal Growth: Being on your own can provide ample opportunities to focus on personal development, career, and hobbies.
  • Flexibility: You can choose how to spend your time, money, and energy without coordinating with someone else.


  • Loneliness: Some people might feel lonely without a partner, especially during challenging times when emotional support is needed.
  • Lack of Shared Responsibility: Handling everything from finances to household chores can be more challenging alone.

Being Married


  • Companionship: Having a partner can provide emotional support, companionship, and shared joy in life’s milestones.
  • Shared Responsibilities: You can share financial burdens, household duties, and decision-making processes.
  • Family Life: If you desire a family, marriage can provide a stable foundation for raising children.


  • Compromises: Marriage often requires compromises, and you might need to sacrifice some personal preferences.
  • Conflict: Differences in opinions, lifestyles, or goals can lead to conflicts that need to be managed carefully.
  • Dependency: Some individuals might feel a loss of independence or identity in the partnership.

ChatGPT: Ultimately, the “better” option is the one that aligns most closely with your values, lifestyle, and what you envision for your future happiness. It’s important to choose a path that feels authentic to you and supports your well-being and growth. What are some aspects of your life that are most important to you? Knowing these can help in deciding which path might suit you better.

At first, I thought that ChatGPT seemed to not offer advice in a biased way. Rather, it over various opinions and lets the user decide. However, from a deeper perspective I question why it sees compromises and sacrificing “personal preferences” as a con.

According to John Gottman, the leading marriage researcher in the world, “Accepting Influence” and another person’s opinions is what makes marriage a rich experience. As the saying goes, “a whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. As well, the Torah teaches us that both forces of zocher and nekeiva combine to create a deeper reality called Malchus.

It’s apparent that AI has some subtle if not profound biases that are now engaging many people’s minds. These ideas may have some significant repercussions that we need to be aware of. And as this type of technology becomes more utilized, especially by our children, I would try to engage them to find out what are the sources for some of the opinions they are forming. Is it podcasts they are following or perhaps from ChatGPT.  This may be especially true for adolescents searching for values and deciding on their ethical principles from technology, as this now seems to be the latest trend.

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MyTalkPlace.com is more than an online therapy platform; it’s a testament to the power of innovation and empathy in transforming lives. Through his pioneering efforts, he has not only provided a lifeline for those in need of therapeutic support but also created a blueprint for how technology and compassion can intersect to revolutionize mental health care. As his company continues to expand its reach and impact, it serves as a beacon of hope for individuals on their journeys toward healing and self-discovery.

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