Couples Counseling

Helping couples communicate and feel better

Couples counseling is a type of therapy that helps couples improve their communication, resolve conflicts, and enhance their relationship satisfaction. It can be beneficial for couples who are facing various challenges, such as infidelity, intimacy issues, parenting disagreements, financial stress, or emotional distance.

Couples counseling typically involves meeting with a trained therapist who can help the couple identify and understand their problems, explore their feelings and needs, and develop skills and strategies to cope and change. The therapist may use different approaches and techniques depending on the goals and preferences of the couple. Some common methods include cognitive-behavioral therapy, emotion-focused therapy, solution-focused therapy, and Gottman method.

Couples counseling can have many positive outcomes for the relationship, such as increased trust, empathy, and intimacy, reduced conflict and resentment, improved communication and problem-solving, and enhanced commitment and satisfaction. However, it also requires commitment, honesty, and willingness from both partners to participate and make changes. Couples counseling is not a quick fix or a magic solution; it is a process that takes time and effort.

Find solutions
Think more positively
Practice letting go

How therapy can solve your problem?

If you are interested in couples counseling, you can start by finding a qualified therapist who specializes in this area. You can ask for referrals from your primary care provider, friends, family, or online directories. You can also check the credentials, experience, and reviews of the therapist before making an appointment. It is important to find a therapist who you both feel comfortable with and who can meet your needs and expectations.


Other services

Individual, Couples and Family Therapy

Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

1-on-1 sessions with a trained therapist to get the support you need

More info
Couples Counseling

Couples Counseling

A safe, structured place to explore your unique perspectives and improve communication and reduce conflict.

More info
Family Therapy

Family Therapy

A place to work through emotional challenges, and learn to communicate more effectively.

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Stages of consultation 


Brief Online Assessment

Learn about you and what you are looking for.


Personal Match

We match you with a therapist (typically within 24 hours).


Start Therapy

Start your journey to feeling better!

Contact info






New York State

Work hours

Work hours

Mon to Fri 9 am - 5 pm

Sun 9 am - 5pm